You’re basically having a preview of your success (or failure) of achieving the fat loss goals in your checklist when you’re looking at the label of the product that you are planning to use. If it’s got the right ingredients, your chances of realizing these goals become much higher compared to a product that isn’t formulated with the right stuff.

One product that is gathering quite a following among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts these days is Cellucor Super HD. Make sure you follow along to get a lowdown on the Cellucor Super HD Ingredients and how they can help you blast away fat faster and more efficiently.

Cellucor Super HD 101

At its simplest, Cellucor Super HD is a fat burner that is designed to trigger key fat loss drivers so you can really shed off unwanted flab in no time. According to its manufacturer, Cellucor Super HD is packed with ingredients that help boost the body’s thermogenic levels, promote faster fat burning, increase overall metabolism, stimulate better appetite control and provide high-powered energy.

The Ingredients that You’ll Find in Cellucor Super HD

Now let’s take a look at the key Cellucor Super HD ingredients that helped it gather quite a following among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts nowadays for its fat burning capabilities:

  • Toothed Clubmoss – Also known as Ground Pine and Devil’s Claw, Toothed Clubmoss is a part of the lycopodium group of herbs and used in holistic medicine to improve mental clarity. Modern clinical tests show that this plant is quite abundant in a type of alkaloid called Huperzine A, which plays a key role in breaking down acetylcholine. When acetylcholine levels surge, your mental focus and clarity become sluggish – and this could easily break your concentration when you’re hard at work at the gym.
  • Amla Fruit Extract – The Amla fruit, which the Amla Fruit Extract is derived from, not only contains lots and lots of disease-fighting antioxidants like elligatanins and flavonoids, but also natural compounds that help promote the use of fat instead of glucose as the system’s primary energy source. Amla Fruit Extract helps regulate the glucose levels so they won’t be stored by the system as fat deposits as well.
  • Rhodiola Rosea Root Extract – Scientifically classified as a type of adaptogen, Rhodiola Rosea Root Extract contains compounds that speed up the body’s ability to rebound from physical and mental stress. Apart from helping you recover faster from fatigue, these compounds are also seen to reduce the wear on muscles and tissues after being subjected to intense exercise.
  • Green Tea – Green Tea is basically a very rich source of antioxidants called catechins that are seen to have positive effects on cardiovascular health, immune function as well as taking the body’s metabolism up a notch to blast away a lot of fat in a shorter period of time. Drinking Green Tea in a regular basis also helps promote a more relaxed state of mind.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous – You can think of Caffeine Anhydrous as the more hardcore version of its cousin, regular caffeine. Caffeine Anhydrous is practically capable of doing everything that regular caffeine does with a few more extras in the mix. Besides helping intensify the metabolic rate, clinical studies also show that it can curb cravings when consistently taken.
  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine – N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is one of the 22 amino acids that the system uses to build proteins. It is also seen to promote the production and release of triiodothyronine or T3 and thyroxine or T4, hormones that are responsible for regulating the body’s thermogenesis or the ideal temperature it needs before its fat burning function kicks in. Interestingly, T3 and T4 hormones also help keep you feeling positive and motivated even when you’re going through a lot of punishment at the gym (or holding yourself back during your diet routine).
  • Chinese Mistletoe Stem Extract – Traditionally used in folk medicine as a natural diuretic, modern clinical tests reveal that Chinese Mistletoe Stem Extract also contains several active phytochemicals that are classified as immunomodulators, which help in optimizing blood flow and getting rid of excess water weight. How’s that for two for two?

So Do the Cellucor Super HD Ingredients Make the Cut?

Definitely! If you ask me, Cellucor Super HD features a rather impressive lineup of ingredients. And what’s more awesome about the whole thing is you can easily check them out, including how much of them is used in the formulation, when you read the label of Cellucor Super HD.

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