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Gaining lots of lean mass quickly is the single most important goal for bodybuilders but achieving this goal without using special substances is really hard and painful. Using steroids on the other hand can be fairly dangerous and this is why the prohormones market has become so huge in recent years, as they cause fewer side effects and still provide great results.

Today we will be looking at Alpha-Drol 1000, a prohormone by Genetech Pharma Labs. This powerful and potent product is a M1A prohormone, which converts to Methyl-1-Testosterone, one of the most potent anabolics out there, which is banned from use in the pure form.


Arimigen is a fairly new product on the market and it aims to increase your overall testosterone levels while decreasing estrogen. It is marketed as an aromatase inhibitor and hormone modulator, and has nasty plans of making it big on the market. It is produced by a well-known manufacturer, APS Nutrition, which has produced a line of stellar products over the last couple of years. They plan on doing the same with Arimigen, which is exactly why we are going to take a closer look at it and see what it is all about.


DMZ 25 is the newest in line of products made by Dark Label Nutrition. It is basically a powerful bulking prohormone with a specially designed formula that will ensure it gets absorbed faster and more efficient. DMZ 25 aims to provide its users with significant gains in both muscle size and strength, similar to Superdrol, but with fewer side effects. With this in mind, let’s see what exactly can this product bring to the table!


Before we start giving MK Elite a closer look in a bit, here’s a quick introduction…

Bodybuilders across the world have been looking for ways to enhance the natural process of muscle growth. First there were anabolic steroids, which were injected straight into the bloodstream and gave amazing results but at great costs as the side effects of anabolic steroids often outweighed the gains and not by a small margin either.

Next came prohormones. Prohormones are often used nowadays as well and they have managed to control the side effects of steroids by quite a bit. Some prohormones even come with almost no side effects and those that do occur are easier to manage. But in recent years it is the SARMs that have been in the spotlight.

The Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are often just as potent as steroids, with practically none of their usual side effects. Today we are presenting MK Elite, a product based on MK 677, a powerful SARM designed to increase the amount of growth hormone in your body and help burn fat, build muscle as well as promote other positive physical effects.


Laxogenin has been one of the primary ingredients in bodybuilding supplements for many years. This plan harvested compound serves our body by providing it with a blueprint for creating its own anabolics. This is a natural way of achieving much of the same results you may see with a more chemical oriented prohormone compounds.

Today we are introducing the new Laxogenin product by Focused NutritionLaxo Elite. Laxo Plus comes as a part of the manufacturer’s new line of prohormone and SARM products. In that sense, it is important to say that Laxogenin is not a prohormone but rather a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator).

So, since we already know that this product is based on Laxogenin, let us go ahead and find out what Laxogenin is and how it works.


As part of their brand new supplements line, Sparta Nutrients present Spartan Lean. According to the manufacturers, Spartan Lean is the ultimate cutting phase prohormone, designed to significantly increase strength and provide pounds upon pounds of clean, dry, and vascular muscle tissue.

Spartan Lean is based on 7-DHEA and 11-DHEA, two powerful cutting prohormones previously known to the bodybuilding community. The product manufacturers promise the ultimate cutting experience with this prohormone as you burn the fat and sculpt your muscles into those of a Spartan warrior.

The entire bodybuilding community is buzzing with news of Sparta Nutrition’s latest prohormone series, including Spartan Hard and Spartan Mass. It is important to note that this product is the manufacturer’s brand new and all statements made about it.

Still, looking at the label alone, one can tell that this is one hell of a prohormone.


What is left to be said about Olympus Labs, one of the best — if not the best — supplement manufacturers worldwide. I am sure you are all well familiar with the quality of their products as well as the fast and effective results they deliver.

After extensive research on their latest one, it is safe to say that the traits mentioned above are true! Str3ngth Unleashed can be considered a true “flagship” product of Olympus Labs. It is marketed as a potent laxogenin product that claims it will increase your strength and muscle size, which is why we will take a closer look at it to see how good it is. With that in mind, let’s see what Str3ngth Unleashed is all about.


Are you about to start a bulking cycle? Trying to get huge muscle gains in a short period? Looking for just the right prohormone to get you growing? Look no further. Sparta Nutrition presents Spartan Mass, the ultimate bulking prohormone.

Based on two major bulking prohormones, Androsterone and Super-19-DHEA, this product promises huge muscle gains, explosive strength, insane power and monster size. The alleged goal of the company behind Spartan Mass is to turn your body into one equal to a Spartan Warrior, and judging by the label, this product might do just that.


No matter how hard you work and how dedicated you are to going to the gym, eating proper diet and doing everything right, sooner or later your body will disappoint you. Fatigue, pain and lack of motivation will start to appear and you will absolutely need something to help you pick yourself up and dust yourself off.

PreWrek by Swole Sports Nutrition is one such product. In design, PreWrek is intended to elevate your focus, energy and endurance, while hydrating your muscles and providing intense vascularity and pumps. The claims seemed promising, so we decided we would shed some light on this product and how well it actually performs when taken as a pre-workout supplement.