All Products by Cirkul


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The fitness technology industry is booming. According to a research firm Global Industry Analysts report, the global fitness technology market will grow from $5.8 billion in 2013 to $17.5 billion by 2020. That’s an annual growth rate of almost 17%.

What is behind this explosive growth? Several factors include:

  • The increasing popularity of wearable devices.
  • The spread of “exergaming” (playing video games that get you up and moving).
  • The growing awareness of the health benefits of being active.

Fitness technology products are designed to help you live a healthier life.

They come in all shapes and sizes, from smartwatches that track your heart rate and calories burned to apps that help you set goals and track your progress. Even devices monitor your sleep patterns and tell you how well you recover from your workouts.

The best fitness technology products are easy to use, motivating, and effective. They can help you stay on track when meeting your fitness goals, whether to lose weight, get stronger, or be more active.

One company that has been at the forefront of this trend is Cirkul, which makes a line of innovative products designed to make getting and staying fit more accessible than ever before. This article looks closely at Cirkul’s review and its products.

Cirkul Water Bottle

If you’re looking for a water bottle that is easy to use and helps you stay on track, Cirkul may be the perfect option for you. Cirkul is a water bottle with a flavor dial that lets you customize your drink, sip by sip. The dial adjusts the flavor intensity from no flavor (plain water) to full flavor, and it worked just fine in all six Sips. It’s not just a water bottle. And it’s a system that uses cartridges to drink flavored water, allowing you to dose the desired infusion. Let’s read more about this Cirkul Review.

Cirkul Water Bottle’s comfort-grip lid features an ergonomic soft, colorful rubber that gives you a fantastic grip when carrying or removing the cover. We’ve combined it with ruggedized base plastic that adds the leak-proof barrier and makes cleaning a breeze.

Cirkul Water Bottle is also leak-proof and dishwasher-safe, so it’s easy to keep clean. Plus, it comes in various fun colors, so you can choose the one that best suits your style.

If you’re looking for a way to make drinking water more enjoyable, Cirkul is an excellent option. With Cirkul, you can easily customize your drink to make it more appealing and enjoyable. And since Cirkul is leak-proof and dishwasher-safe, it’s easy to keep clean.
The Cirkul Starter Kit comes with a 22oz plastic bottle, a blue comfort grip lid, and three fruit punch flavor cartridges. Each Cirkul flavor cartridge can flavor the equivalent of six 20oz fully flavored beverages.

The Cirkul flavor cartridges are calorie-free and free of artificial flavors and colors. They are also gluten-free and vegan-friendly. Below is the list of available Cirkul flavors:

LifeSip Flavor Cartridges (Vitamin-enhanced):

Fruit Punch
Strawberry Kiwi
Peach Mango
Coconut Pineapple
Strawberry Lemonade (Stevia)
Raspberry Lemonade
Sweet Tea & Lemon
Blueberry Cranberry (Stevia)
Mango Grapefruit (Stevia)
Berry Pomegranate (Stevia)

FitSip Flavor Cartridges : (Electrolytes/ Sports Drink)

White Cherry
Mixed Berry
Tropical Blast
Orange Tangerine
Lemon Lime (Stevia)

GoSip Flavor Cartridges : (Caffeinated)

Strawberry Watermelon
Black Cherry
Cherry Limeade
Green Apple
Citrus Twist

BrewSip Flavor Cartridges : (coffee blends enriched with caffeine & natural coffee flavor)

Caramel Iced Coffee
Vanilla Iced Coffee
Mocha Iced Coffee
Classic Iced Coffee

TeaSip Cartridges : (Premium Tea flavor with Fruit)

Peach Tea
Raspberry Tea

PureSip FlavorEssence Flavors: (all unsweetened)


The Cirkul flavor setting gives you complete control of your flavor, so you can dial up or down as you please. Cirkul is made in the USA.