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Opti Green 50 Product Image

Let’s look at Opti Greens 50 from 1st Phorm! I’m sure most of you (who know me) know that I am not the biggest fan of veggies. I know, it sounds silly coming from a hardcore bodybuilder. Especially one who works on getting that perfect godlike physique. But it’s true, and I am not the biggest fan of broccoli, grapes, cauliflower, and all that green stuff. It makes my stomach rise, which I cannot get over.

But that doesn’t mean my body lacks essential nutrients through these green veggies. Not by a long shot! I use superfood supplements. Those that are rich in vitamins and minerals. As well as other micronutrients which I don’t digest through regular meals.

If you are like me, you might want to look closely at Opti Greens 50. A supplement from 1st Phorm allows you to have all those beneficial effects of veggies. Without actually having to eat them!

So, with that said, let’s take a closer look at it and see what kind of ingredients and benefits it brings to the table!


M-Factor Hero Product Image

Training hard and taking good care of your diet isn’t easy; everyone knows it. Supplements are here to make your daily routine easier and your goals more reachable. Choosing the one you need might be a road of disappointment, but we are here to help you. Most of you reading this have already purchased a product that doesn’t meet your requirements and didn’t provide you all you need. Everyone is different and has their mind set on different goals.

1st Phorm knows it, and every time we get our hands on something from their company we expect good things to happen. M-Factor Hero makes no exception, it is a top-quality supplement that will fulfill a lot of your needs. Continue reading to find out more and see what exactly makes it so special.

M-Factor Goddess Product Image

If you are trying to achieve your goals and get the physique you want, now is the time. Why is that? Well, it’s because 1st Phorm came up with a brand-new product specially designed for women. Rarely do we see such a supplement on the market, but folks from 1st Phorm made sure there is something special for everyone. We already did an M-Factor Hero review, so if you are a male looking for a good multivitamin, we suggest you switch to that one.

If, on the other hand, you are a female, then M-Factor Goddess is the one you’re looking for! Since our bodies look for different sorts of nutrients, whether we are male or female, there is an M-Factor supplement with cutting-edge formula for both genders.


Going to the gym has many advantages. We all know about the benefits it brings. Not only related to the physical shape of your body and health and mental and emotional aspects. Exercising makes you feel so much better. Usually, you can only get it done by visiting the gym for most parts. But, your psychological state can be challenged. You see all the big guys with huge muscles and super-shaped bodies. It gets you frustrated to see how the rest of the guys are improving and doing the same work as you do.

The product we are looking at today may have the answers to some of the questions you have been asking yourself. This Myostatin inhibitor is advertised as a product that can help you increase your strength. As well as boost endurance and recovery times. While also improving the body’s fat-burning process.

Does it do all that? We’ll try and find out in this Follidrone 2.0 Full Review!


While most bodybuilders and people who visit the gym on a regular basis tend to plan their diets to include sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats, it is the micronutrients that very often get completely or partially neglected. Sure, we eat a salad with our lunch and a fruit here and there, but there is so much our body needs in terms of micronutrients that it would actually be difficult to create a diet that gives us everything we need.

This is why multivitamins exist to supply our body with the necessary inflow of vitamins and minerals that are needed by our body in order to function to the best of our abilities. Fulldose MNT is a powerful multivitamin formula that supplies our body with sufficient daily dosages of various micronutrients that we normally get less than enough.


If you are a person who trains hard, be it in the gym or on a sports field, your body is bound to get super exhausted. The harder we try and push at the training ground, the more deficiencies our body will experience as all the crucial nutritional elements are burnt away and used up by our body’s daily struggle to heal itself after the considerable stress our workouts put it under.

Vitamins and minerals are just as crucial in our efforts to gain muscle and build up that perfect body as protein is, only in different ways. Severe deficiencies in vitamin levels can harm us significantly and it is important to keep your diet vitamin-heavy. Still, multivitamin pills are where most bodybuilders will go when that fails.

Today we present one such product, a great multivitamin from Controlled Labs, VITMore. VITMore is a multivitamin pill with an extremely rich ingredients list, that tries to make up for all possible major deficiencies your body may be experiencing due to workouts. Even if you are not working out regularly, VITMore can still help you keep healthy and more focused and happy.