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Staving off estrogen and upping testosterone are key aspects of post cycle therapy (PCT). Although your body is naturally wired to realign its hormonal balance by itself, it can take a very long time to do just that. Long enough to experience the serious effects of dangerously swinging hormonal levels sooner or later. And this is where using 6-bromo comes in.
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Osthole – also spelled osthol – is a type of coumarin, a phytochemical with a vanilla like a flavor found in many plants, notably in high concentration in the tonka bean, Woodruff, and bison grass. It has a sweet scent and can occur either free or combined with the sugar glucose. Osthole can be found in an active constituent isolated from the fruit of Cnidium monnieri, a Chinese herbal medicine, which has been used to treat anti-inflammation, anti-osteoporosis, and anti-tumor for many years. It can be found in several other plants. It may increase androgen, gonadotropin and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity.
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Betaine anhydrous is a vitamin obtained from choline. Choline is a macro nutrient that’s important for liver and nerve function, development of normal brain, movement of muscle, supporting energy levels and maintaining a healthy metabolism. The said ingredient occurs naturally in the body, and can also be found in foods such as sweet beets, spinach, cereal grains, seafood, sweet potato, beef and wine. It is also used as an ingredient in toothpaste to reduce dry mouth. It has a molecular weight of 117.15.
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Black pepper has been used for human diet for centuries. And is one of the most widely used spices throughout the world. Bioperine is the patented extract obtained from black pepper fruit and is standardized for a minimum of 95% pepper. Bioperine has been shown to increase absorption of nutrients such as betacarotine, vitamin C, selenium and more. Gut absorption also improved in fat and water soluble vitamins, seleno-amino acids and herbal extracts. As a self-affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) ingredient, bioperine is the only patented peppermint source that help increase the bioavailability of nutritional compounds. And it is the also source to undergo clinical studies in United States for safety and efficacy.
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Policosanol is a cholesterol-lowering natural mixture of alcohols that were isolated and purifies from sugar cane wax. It is safe and well tolerated, even in people with high use of concomitant medications. Patients with type II hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol showed lipid profile improvements with the use of Policosanol. Recently it can also be generated from beeswax, fruits, grasses and seed. It can be found in certain supplements because of the health benefits it could give.
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Phenethylamine is a chemical found naturally in the body and it  is a chemical that makes you feel happy. You can also find it in a number of food sources including chocolate. The Phenylethylamine in chocolate and other food in your body will break down before it ever makes it to your brain. On the other hand, exercise can stimulate natural phenylethylamine production in your body.
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Boerhaavia diffusa is a creeping perennial herb that is also called ‘Punarva’ in the system of medicine in India. This herb is found throughout India’s wasteland. It is believed that the roots of Boerhaavia diffusa are excellent laxative and diuretic agents and are recommended to cure jaundice, ascites, and anasarca.  Through the years, Boerhaavia diffusa has evolved and transformed and its different parts are beneficial in the treatment of various illnesses without the presence of any side effects. For instance, the root juice is used to treat asthma, encephalitis, leucorrhea, and urinary disorders. On the other hand, the leaves can be consumed as vegetables. In Ayurvedic system, Boerhaavia diffusa is used to treat diabetes.
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Epicatechin is a flavonol belonging to the group of flavonoids. Epicatechin is a bioactive compound classed as a flavonol, a plant based phytochemical which is found in a number of foods in trace amounts, including green tea and most famously, dark chocolate. Chocolate, dark chocolate in particular, is rich in flavonoids. Dark chocolate contains the most, and the darker the better with pure cocoa containing the highest amounts of all at nearly 3mg per gram.